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About Us

ULIPINDIA.COM is a Profit Sharing Indian eCommerce Marketplace. A new era CAN based Profit Sharing eCommerce Marketplace in India to combine multiple options of marketing and benefits of online vs conventional for shifting society better to best.

ULIP visionary management introduced an entirely new concept to the world, “CAN” (Customer, AMP, NAMP) , by which all our vision & mission will achieve. As our main goal is to combine all possible marketing entities in single platform, and merges all such possibilities in line with upgrading skills, unity, leadership, income and prosperity of each involved directly or indirectly be part of  ULIPINDIA platform. Entities joining in our platform are;

  • Customer
  • Affiliate Marketing Professional – AMP
  • Network Affiliate Marketing Professional – NAMP
  • Sellers – Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Dealers, Retailers , Resellers


Sellers listing their products in ULIPINDIA.com, unlike other eCommerce platforms here Sellers are sharing a part of their sales profit with customers. AMP , NAMP, Resellers, Affiliates and Influencers doing marketing promotion of all such listed products, and have option to earn decent monthly Active and passive income & other yearly benefits. Customers getting an attractive platform for their all online shopping requirements. So Customers , AMP, NAMP, Sellers are equally happy under ULIPINDIA platform.

ULIP create Unity, Leadership, Income and Prosperity to all who are participants.
Distribute Sales channel profit to all customers also, rather than it accumulating on middleman as in conventional systems.

Promote & special support of Safe, Harm free, Organic, Vedic and Cruelty Free products
Support Local made and Made In India products to empower local economy as well national economy.

Improve Discipline, Personality and Leadership of citizen
Lead to financial freedom of citizen through our Wealth Builder Funding
Turn all citizens to be part of Nation building by contributing reasonable Tax in the form TDS, GST, CESS and Income Tax.

Turn all citizens to be part of National Financial interest by investing in Share market & Public funds, through our Wealth Builder Funding.
Knowledge builds up society on various segments including selection of safe foods, better lifestyle routines, heritage physical & mental practices knowledge.
Develop a dynamic local self helping team at each corner of Nation, to support each other in all ways including national calamity, crisis, donations etc.
Turn all citizens to be part of national level Charity service to support eligible co-citizens.

Management Message

We believe business means not just making profit, but its a service through which solution providing to the pain existing in society along with maintaining an business ethics & responsibility to society and nation. We identified first pain of nation as low per capita income of citizen due to unemployment. Second pain we identified as lack of awareness as well as lack of motive among citizens to participate in Nation building process & build financial stability of life, even lot of financial & insurance instruments are readily available in county such as Mutual fund, PPF, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Pension schemes, etc. So our aim to provide effective solution to these pain existing in the nation by combining various marketing methodologies in the way to ensure stable income to citizen without additional effort or investment as well as force citizen to be part of Nation building and forceful them to select a track to achieve financial stability and secured living standard. We believe that we can create revolution in nation through our business, as we solving these pain by keeping our strong ethics and responsibility to citizen & nation.

—-Founder & CEO—–


Our vision & mission are very clear and its hold high value of ethics and responsibility towards society as business firm. We believe our business values will be a role model to other business firms to uphold nation interest and responsibility towards citizen as top priority than profit making. We taking the challenge to change the existing bad remarks, established due to some of unethical industrial players, of some of the best marketing methodology of world like Multi Level Marketing compensation plans, and we are sure that nation will realize its real power and potential to resolve many of nation pain.

—-Co-Founder & MD—–