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Influencer Program

Are you a stunning Influencer in India with followers circle of Indians, then its a best program you may ever experienced, ULIPINDIA Influencer Program. Unlike other programs this may help you to set your financial goal, not only for you, its help to set the financial goal of your followers also !!!

Experience it today, grow yourself & help to grow your followers

Monetize your social following with a decent monthly income


ULIPINDIA Influencer program is an excellent opportunity for influencers in India to break their shackles and reliance on global platforms and join the most transparent platform in India. ULIPINDIA is a Made in India profit-sharing eCommerce platform that encourages sellers on the portal to share profit with customers. And unlike the other platforms where a participant has to jump through multiple hoops even to be considered for the program, ULIPINDIA influencer in India is open to every citizen of the country with no restrictions. It is truly a Made in India program designed to benefit the country and its citizens.


What makes ULIPINDIA’s Influencer program different from other influencer programs?


ULIPINDIA influencer India program, unlike other referral programs, is focused primarily on Indian consumers. We understand the Indian marketplace and offer programs that truly work and are beneficial to both the influencer and the consumer. For Indian Influencers that have a large Indian audience in the following, ULIPINDIA’s AMP & NAMP programs offer a unique opportunity that they can utilize and earn 10x more than their usual platforms.




YouTube still remains the primary source of Income for many influencers in India. But if we have anything to say about it, not for long.


Earning any kind of active or passive income on YouTube is quite challenging. Not only does an influencer have to match a certain threshold when it comes to subscriber count and hours of content watched, but there is also always a risk of their channel getting banned due to copyright infringement or anything else that goes against YouTube’s vague content policy.


With ULIPINDIA’s Influencer programs, you can start your earnings from DAY 1! An influencer only needs to redirect their followers to the platform and simply wait for the money to roll into their bank account.


Comparing income with 50K followers


The income from a YouTube channel is not linear and dependent on various factors, not just the subscriber count of the channel. But let’s still consider a YouTube channel with a dedicated active follower count of 50K followers. Now, 50K following is nothing to scoff at, but the revenue from any video would depend on the engagement done by the followers of that channel. Even with a healthy engagement rate, the channel would not be able to earn more than $200 to $300 per month.


Now take into account the cost of production, research, and other miscellaneous expenses. The channel would need to create and publish multiple engaging videos to be in profit. And that is only if the engagement rate of the videos stays consistent and healthy.


On the other hand, ULIPINDIA does not have such kind of restrictions and high competition, which is present in growing a channel on YouTube. Here you only need to use your marketing skills to attract your existing followers on your social channels (including YouTube) and encourage them to sign up with ULIPINDIA’s eCommerce platform. The difference in income could be as much as 10 times what you were earning from your YouTube channel – a staggering number. And this number could grow even more if you participate in our NAMP (Network Affiliate Marketing Professional) program. It is any wonder that more and more influencers are signing up with ULIPINDIA. What’s stopping you?


Different programs under ULIPINDIA’s influencer scheme


ULIPINDIA has different tiers of schemes under our Influencer in India program: AMP (Affiliate Marketing Professional) & NAMP (Network Affiliate Marketing Professional). Influencers can easily choose according to their social media following and determine the best influencer program suited for them.


Affiliate Marketing Professional (AMP) – for social media influencers


Any user of the ULIPINDIA eCommerce portal can sign up to be a part of the AMP program without any issue. This program is designed to help an influencer earn passive income every month through the monthly sales commission for each purchase made by their referrals to the platform.


The sales commission depends on the type and quantity of purchase made by the referral using the PV attached to the product. The PV or Point Value differs for each product as they are assigned by the sellers.


The benefit of joining this program is that once an influencer has referred someone to the platform, every purchase their referral makes would come with a commission attached to their name. There is no set time limit, minimum or maximum purchase, or even the frequency of the purchase made through the portal. A life-long return with every customer on the platform – it is as simple as that.


This program is hugely beneficial for social media influencers that have a YouTube or any other social media channel with a dedicated following. An influencer can easily earn more than they currently do with their social media platform without much effort. Any influencer with a marketing talent can earn unrestricted passive income from the ULIPINDIA’s AMP scheme. Additionally, there are further rewards that are available to the top performers in this program; what more could one ask for?


Network Affiliate Marketing Professional (NAMP) – grow your income and others alongside you


Network Affiliate Marketing Program is an excellent opportunity for influential individuals who are not looking for self-growth but for people alongside them. It is a step up from our popular AMP program, where the influencers directly invite customers to our eCommerce portal and avail commission and other benefits for every purchase made on the portal.


In our NAMP scheme, a ‘mega influencer’ can create teams of influencers and avail of Sales Bonuses from every transaction made by their referrals. The exact process can be repeated by the referred influencers, resulting in even more sales bonuses for the one at the head of the chain. The referred influencers are termed as a team, from Team 02 to Team 09, with different bonuses for each tier.


A NAMP influencer is also eligible for exclusive benefits, depending on their performance.


Eligibility to participate in our influencer programs
  • The applicant must be a citizen of India
  • Must be over the age of 21
  • Must be an existing customer of the portal
  • For NAMP, the applicant must first be a member of the AMP program.


Rich rewards for all influencers through ULIPINDIA


Earning through ULIPINDIA is pretty easy for all influencers, regardless of their follower/ subscriber count. Unlike other social media influencer programs where the influencer is paid for their following, ULIPINDIA is highly transparent with the influencer program. The influencers are paid per every transaction made by their referrals and for a lifetime. The Point Value for each product is determined beforehand by the seller. So there is no room for the seller to prefer one influencer over the other. Fairness is the name of the game at ULIPINDIA.


Another benefit is the massive difference in the income one might make from ULIPINDIA’s influencer program. Unlike other platforms, where the influencer has to interact with a sponsor directly or get a meager amount of ad revenue from the platform (take the case of YouTube), the income from ULIPINDIA is substantially higher. In fact, an influencer with a solid 50K following can earn as much as ten times what they have been getting from the other social media channels. That is a significant difference, and there are also other benefits of joining this program.


Support nation building


Participating with a locally based company like ULIPINDIA, an influencer, would empower and support employment in the country. Since the entity is registered in India, local tax laws would be applicable to earnings for both the sellers and the participants in the program. This way, one can directly contribute to the national building and do their part while earning handsomely from the comforts of their home.


There is also the benefit of supporting organic, cruelty-free Made In India products. ULIPINDIA gives importance to the companies that are based and operated in the country; It is one of our core principles.


Value for the followers


For an influencer, their followers are everything. They are not only a source of income, but they are also part of the community that they have built from the ground up. As an influencer, you naturally would want to give something back to the community that has helped you achieve so much already, and the influencer program by ULIPINDIA certainly does that.


Unlike other social media influencer programs where the primary source of income for the influencer is their followers consuming their content with no remuneration, ULIPINDIA benefits both the influencer and their followers. Here are some benefits that our influencer program brings to your followers.


  • It creates a feeling of unity among the customers that they are contributing to not only helping their favorite influencer but also to nation-building.
  • Naturally, the financial benefits of signing up with ULIP INDIA have to be at the top, allowing the followers to purchase items from a reliable eCommerce platform at the best prices.
  • The followers can have a larger role in Government policy participation.


It is safe to say that ULIPINDIA’s influencer program is a gem and an offer no one can refuse. So, do not think for a second more and sign up with our AMP & NAMP program today. And in case you have any queries, we have a dedicated customer support helpline that one can reach out to at their convenience.


You can make the most out of our influencer program and you can also earn more than on YouTube or other social channels. You can easily provide value to your followers through us. Reach out to us and learn how you can make the most out of our offerings. We are always ready to come to your aid when you need help from professional influencers. If you want a little help with local employment, then connect with us to know how we can help.

What is ULIPINDIA Influencer program

As a member of the ULIPINDIA Influencer Program, you are a content creator who provides recommendations to inspire your audience / followers / subscribers via various social media.

How can I monetize my content

You can monetize your social media content by sharing it along with our affiliate link on your own website  / channels or through any social media. Make your own value addition content in the form of video or post or stories or shorts , than add affiliate link of  product listed in ULIPINDIA.com of any price as per your choice. Highly recommending to ensure a correlation between shared product and your content, so that followers will tend to buy it.

How do I qualify for this program

We provide chance for  all types of influencers Nano / micro / Mid-Tier / Macro / Mega  / Celebrities, provided you have a media sharing networks account such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook , Twitter . Pinterest, etc. with decent followers &  engagement rate.

How much will I earn

You can start earning commission when your followers make qualifying purchases via your affiliate links. The amount you earn is based on the products sold. Your commission (Sales Commission) amount in Indian Rupees can find with each product listing detail as PV. Eg. PV mention is 500, then your Sales Commission for that product sales is Rs. 500

How ULIPINDIA Influencer program differ from others

Our Influencer program entirely different from others in market, on following highlights.

  1. Customers doing purchase through your affiliate link will be permanent sponsored member of you
  2. As all customers are your permanent sponsored members, you will get Sales commission each time they doing products, even without any affiliate link. It mean you can earn pure passive income
  3. If you like you may upgrade as NAMP member with us so that you can help all of your followers to earn income. So you will get a wide acceptance within your followers community as you grow by helping others to grow
  4. It may possible to earn 10 times more than what you earn currently form your social media platform, with any further effort or time consumption