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Frequently Asked Questions

Explain how Leader status calculating

Ans. Leader status calculating based on total SV achieved by purchase done by yourself and your team 1 to 9 from the 1st January to 31st December of previous year.

For example, in the second week of January 2021, the company will calculate the Leader Status of each person based on the total SV achieved by himself and his team T1 to T9 from January 1st 2020 to December 31st 2020. For other eligibility criteria & benefits refer above Eligibility chart.

Explain how Rank status calculating

Ans. Rank calculating based on total SV achieved by purchase done by yourself and your team 1 to 9 from the first day of your joining to the last day of the previous year.

For example, to calculate Rank status of a person who joined the company on 01 January 2019. Suppose Rank is calculating in the second week of January 2021, his total SV achieved by purchase done by himself and his team 1 to 9 from 01 January 2019 to 31 December 2020 will be considered. For other eligibility criteria & benefits refer above Eligibility chart.

Explain how Yearly Benefits calculating

Ans. For the Yearly Benefits in the form of Wealth & Health Builder fund (only for NAMP) total SV achieved through purchase done by you and your team 01 to 09 from January 1st to December 31st of the last year. Fund will be declared in the second week of January of current year.
Refer above Eligibility chart for Fund distribution and other eligibility criteria.

For example, to calculate benefits of the year 2020, PV and SV of all purchases done between the period of 01st January 2020 to 31st December 2020 are considered and benefits will be released in the second week of January 2021.
Purchases done by yourself, Customers, AMPs and NAMPs in your Teams will consider for calculating benefits.

Explain how Monthly benefits calculating.

Ans. For the Monthly Sales Commission (for both AMP & NAMP) from your Affiliation work, total PV of all members in your team01 will calculate and 100% of total PV will pay to you as Sales Commission and there is no monthly ceiling for this amount, you can earn as much as possible to you based on your affiliation marketing effort.

For the Monthly Sales Bonus (for NAMP only) from your Team 2 to 9, total SV of purchase done by all members in your team 2 to 9 will calculate and 10% – 50% of total SV of each team will pay to you as Sales Bonus. Refer above Eligibility chart for percentage and criteria details. There is a monthly ceiling for this amount depending on your Rank, from 3 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs.

For calculating monthly benefits and eligibility, purchases done by you and your all teams from 16th of the previous month to 15th day of current month are considered. For example, to calculate benefits of the month June 2020, PV and SV of all purchases done between the period of 16th May 2020 to 15th June 2020 are considered and benefits will be released on the last day of June 2020.

Purchases done by yourself, Customers, AMPs and NAMPs in your Teams will consider for calculating benefits. Above rules applicable for both AMP and NAMP for benefits calculation based on purchase done by team members of Team1 and Team 1-9 respectively.

What type of contract do we need to make with ULIP?.

Ans. As a Customer you need to agree for all Terms & Condition, Privacy Policy and Cancellation & Refund policy listed in the www.UlipIndia.com. As an AMP and NAMP in addition you should agree to the terms and conditions listed in the website regarding Affiliate marketing rules and payout conditions for both monthly and annually benefits. All such contracts will be valid for one year and the company may revise terms & conditions every year and you may accept, if wish to continue. All agreements are digital and will be part of your signup.

Shall I need my own website for doing Affiliate marketing as an AMP / NAMP or Shall I be a Influencer ?

Ans. No. It is not mandatory that you should possess such platforms or to be a Influencer. Company will provide a dashboard, from there you can share product links to your social circle through any media like your Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram, etc. If you are an influencer you can utilize it to achieve more.

Is it mandatory to go to the field and do meetings, selling, preaching etc.?

Ans. It’s up to your vision and goal, nothing mandatory, while doing more meetings, discussions, training with more people chances for increasing your benefit volume will me high. Company will provide adequate online or manual training for you to perform such things, you may utilize it, but all up to you.

Is it mandatory to purchase bulk items or physical selling or stocking goods as an NAMP?

Ans. No, no need to purchase or store bulk items, no need to distribute, no need to sell physically. You need to buy products you wish of any quantity or any quality up to your decision. You need to meet minimum PV criteria for benefits, that is enough.

Is it mandatory to purchase products every month, if my account is NAMP?

Ans. You may purchase even every month or periodical or yearly once, all up to your choice. In order to get monthly benefits your PVSV WALLET shall have eligible PV balance on that month, that’s enough, refer eligibility chart.

Can I return ordered products after its delivery?

Ans. Company providing return policy. You may return purchased products without damaging it. In case of product failure or product low quality, the company will replace it free of cost, otherwise applicable shipping charge will be deducted from the refund. Refer Cancellation & Refund Policy.

Can I cancel my order?

Ans. Yes, you cancel your order. In case order cancelling after shipping, applicable courier charges will deduct from refund . Refer Cancellation & Refund Policy.

What is the validity of my account?

Ans. Once you register as a Customer / AMP / ANMP, validity is life long, but your benefits will be depending on meeting defined criteria for each benefit.

What are the deduction company doing from me during Payout?

Ans. Company will not deduct any amount other than applicable TDS / CESS/ GST etc depending on periodical government rules.

Shall I need to do payment every month to buy products?

Ans. You may purchase products from the company website using Debit Card, Credit Card or Net Banking. Another preferred option is to use your PAYOUT WALLET balance to do purchase. For that you are recommended to keep some balance always in your PAYOUT WALLET, rather than withdraw full amount.

How can I withdraw my payout amount?

Ans. You can login to your dashboard, check the payout balance display in PAYOUT WALLET, click on the transfer button after entering the amount, your amount will transfer to your bank account provided during joining.

How does SV calculate?

Ans. Each product comes with its own default SV value, displaying on the website itself, no need to calculate.

How does PV calculate?

Ans. Each product comes with its own default PV value, displaying on the website itself, no need to calculate.

What is SV?

Ans. Sales Value (SV) of a product depends on MRP. High MRP means high SV

What is PV?

Ans. Point Value (PV) of a product will vary depending on its category and MRP. PV will be high for category A products will have high MRP. PV will be low for category D & E products with lower MRP.

Is ULIP following DSC regulation of India & state governments?

Ans. Yes, ULIP following major guidelines in their business policies and schemes including, no payment for recruiting people, all payment only based on sales of products, no joining fee, no package purchase for joining, not guaranteeing any quick rich, providing product return policy, providing customer grievance redressed mechanism, No bulk purchase criteria, providing digital contracts.

Is ULIP is Internationally certified?

Ans. ULIP is an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 27001 certified with International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland.

Is ULIP a legally registered company?

Ans. Yes, ULIP is a registered Pvt Ltd firm in India, with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India Govt, Tax registration of Department of Income Tax, GST registration with Sales Tax department of India. Also have membership with many bodies.

What are the documents required to register?

Ans. As a customer, you need to fill basic data including shipping address and no more document uploading. If you would like to participate as an ANP or ANMP, you need to upload a copy of PAN (mandatory), Address Proof, Bank Account and colour Photo.

Who can join and what is the age limit to register in ULIP?

Ans. Any Indian citizen of age above 21 can join. Salaried, Jobless, Self employed, Students, NRIs, House wives, Govt employees may join and no educational qualification required.