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Affiliate Marketing Professional


As an ULIPINDIA Affiliate Marketing Professional you can explore excellent opportunities to earn active and passive life long income, which are not in industry of Affiliate Marketing India.

As an Affiliate Marketing Professional you may earn a monthly Sales Commission (SC) for each purchase done by your each customer.
SC will be 100% of Point Value (PV). Each product will come with a PV value and it may vary depending on manufacturer or supplier or segment.
All your affiliated customers are collectively known as Team-01 (T1).

We provide you innovation

Once a Customer registered in the website due to your affiliation, you will get eligible SC each time that customer does a purchase from the website.
It’s a great recurring Passive Income!!!.,
it means your affiliation effort for a particular customer is one time while your Sales Commission from that customer recurring purchases are LIFE LONG passive income for you.

No monthly ceiling limit for earning, you can earn unlimited amount each month as SC depends on your marketing performance and actual purchase done by customers in your team.

No minimum / maximum sales / self purchase condition for AMP.

Guide to Starting an Affiliate Marketing Business


ULIPINDIA offers a unique affiliate marketing program for Indians to earn a decent monthly income from the comforts of their home. Unlike other affiliate programs in the market, ULIPINDIA Affiliate Marketing Professional (AMP) Program is catered to the Indian audience and the Indian marketplace. Even with a minimal social media following, one can start earning big bucks by simply signing up with our AMP Influencer program.

But do not for a second assume that this program is only directed towards influencers. No, anyone can participate in this program and earn a decent monthly income without any issue. From homemakers to job workers and even social sellers, anyone can join this program and receive a healthy passive income.

How does it work?

The mechanism behind our AMP program is quite simple. ULIPINDIA encourage users to leverage their following in their community and have them sign up to ULIPINDIA’s eCommerce platform – India’s first eCommerce where one can find anything and everything suited to their requirement. A homemaker can easily invite folks from their locality and circle to this platform. The same is the case with a 9 to 5 job worker as well. From then on, every purchase they make on the eCommerce platform results in a sales commission to the influencer that referred them to the portal.

Sound too good to be true? Well, it is as simple as that. Anyone can easily leverage their standing & connection to encourage folks to get the best deals on the ULIPINDIA platform – the only Profit-Sharing eCommerce platform in India. So, not only are the influencers and other invitees earning a decent chunk as their passive income, but they are also providing value to their referrals, which is bound to put a smile on their faces.

How can one sign up for ULIPINDIA’s Affiliate Marketing India program?

Anyone can sign up for ULIPINDIA’s AMP Influencer program and start earning a decent earning without much effort. Every applicant must meet a couple of requirements to qualify for this program.

  • A tax-paying citizen of the Republic of India,
  • Must be over the age of 21, and
  • An existing user of the ULIPINDIA eCommerce platform.

That’s it. If you are someone that meets the criteria mentioned above, do not hesitate to sign up for ULIPINDIA’s AMP program today! With only a rudimentary knowledge of online marketing skills, you can easily add your monthly earnings without much effort.

Why opt for the AMP program?

If you are wondering why one should opt for the AMP program, then you will find the following points relevant. Check out why to consider the AMP program:

  • Lifetime earnings: Once an affiliate registers a new user, every transaction they make on the eCommerce platform results in a sizeable commission to the affiliate.
  • No upper limit: An affiliate can earn as much as they can from the platform. There is no limit to their earnings.
  • No minimum/ maximum/ self-purchase: There is no arbitrary threshold that an affiliate has to meet to take benefits of this program.
  • Nation Building: ULIPINDIA is an entity registered in India, following local laws regarding operation and taxation, helping build a better future for our current and future generations.

Monthly Payout Plan Example - AMP

  • 1

    Step 1

    Suppose Anil joined as AMP in ULIPindia.com and done his affiliation work by sharing products listed in ULIP or ULIP website itself in the form of a hyperlink to his social circle through his social media like Facebook, Twitter, website, WhatsApp etc.

  • 2

    Step 2

    Some people who got that link were interested in that products and purchased as per their own choice and quantity.
    NB: Each product have predefined PV and SV values and it may vary product to product.

  • 3

    Step 3

    At the end of month the company will calculate how much sales done through AMP (Anil) and will pay his Sales Commission, as 100% of total PV purchased by all customers in his team. The fantastic benefit is that company will pay him every month this Sales Commission, if customers in his team doing purchases. So AMP may get Active as well as Passive income life long.